Sunday, February 7, 2016

Current Event Journal #2

In the article, "GMOs: Facts About Genetically Modified Food" by Marc Lallanilla, he argues that GMOs are overall safe and better for the people; that people are merely influenced by others to believe that they cause harm, when it reality its very rare. He does this by listing the pros of cons of GMO's and states, "However, many scientific organizations believe the fear-mongering that runs through discussions of GMO foods is more emotional than factual." At first, Brody seems to be on the neutral side of the situation, not really giving an indication of where he stands. But as the article progresses and more information is laid out, his view can be seen as supporting GMO since he always seems to counteract an issue with proven facts from the NLM (National library of Medicine), as well as points out how GMO can help the farmer and consumer. By doing this, he is able to support his claim and further develops it by bringing in politics. He states how the government passed a law that required foods to only be marked as GMO if the nutritional values were changed due to the GMO, if not, then no label was required. He does counter act this by stating that different state legislatures are trying to pass laws that require all foods to be labeled by claiming that people have a right to know. But his rebutal is clear, foods would have a hard time coming into the states because major companies will have a hard time dealing with the food labeling issue. But overall, he states the battle for or against GMO foods will be a constant and will go on for a while. 

Works Cited:
 Lallanilla, By Marc. "GMOs: Facts About Genetically Modified Food." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 11 Jan. 2016. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <>. 


  1. Very great explanation for your analysis, really goes in depth and explains what the article is about.

  2. i liked how you explanation went into depth. it really caches the readers attention. good analysis and all.

  3. You need to separate the paragraphs because I do not know what is the summary or analysis. I believe you wrote more of a summary of the article than analysis. Reconsider to shorten up the length of sentences to get to the main points. Doing so will make it easier for the reader to have a clearer understanding. Also, re-read what you wrote because there are some minor errors, but other than that I am interested in your topic and hope my advice will make your next blog post better.
